strange to reflect on some of the many the changes that have come since i started this project 365 days ago. i met my guy, and built a relationship that has made it worth the effort that distance requires. i passed classes i am still not sure i understand, and i received a giant piece of paper that promises me - in latin - that i actually graduated law school. i moved back to california and began to make a home for myself in my little apartment. i studied more than i ever have in my life, and passed the california bar. i committed to giving up potato chips, soda and candy for lent, and in doing so found myself on a journey to a healthier me, complete with a newfound joy in walking, green smoothies, health-blogs that use words like paleo and grounding, an obsession with coconut oil, and an appreciation for a whole new world of foods. i took an oath and became a licensed attorney. i have helped, a bit, with the process of moving different grandparents to new homes. i worked a fellowship, and got hired by real law firm, starting next week. i put myself out there to make new friends. i started using my sewing machine, and persevered even when my straight lines weren't exactly straight. i traveled, to seattle, chicago, new orleans. this life is a good one, friends.