the point of goals is to remind you of what you want to accomplish in a month, right? so that you at least get something done... even if you don't manage it all {or most of it...}. right? right. just gonna keep telling myself that.
quota: one rosetta stone activity or 15 minutes of duolingo per day // goal: learn spanish
progress: none.
verdict: try again. a lot harder.
quota: finish digitizing 2003-2004 // goal: digitize memorabilia
progress: none. but i did manage to upload december 2013 photos, and finish up my 2013 photobook!
verdict: pseudo-success. effort still required.
quota: turn off electronics by 11pm four nights a week // goal: reasonable hours
progress: i didn't really track this very well, so i don't know how effective i actually was. i did make a concerted effort many days though, so i think i am heading toward the overall goal. also, because i have had a cold all month, i've made sleeping more a big focus, so this goal was definitely a focus. this month i will see if i can't track the quota-meeting more effectively.
verdict: on the way!
quota: one serving of greens per day // goal: eat healthier
progress: making this a specific goal has definitely made me aware of the days i am not eating enough greens. again, i didn't track this very well, but i do feel that i made an effort to meet it every day.
verdict: on the way!
quota: exercise three times a week // goal: keep active
progress: the never-ending cold i came down with the first week in january waylaid this goal quite a bit. i squeezed in two rounds of jillian the one week i felt well(ish), and went on a few walks. i'm not too bothered about the lack of workouts, because when ill sleeping is more important, but maybe a good balance would be more walking!
verdict: overall, not well met, but for good reason.
so...based on the non-progress with many goals, february's quotas are looking pretty identical to january's. with the addition of "tracking quota progress"...