in recent news... my {very} little band of followers can now follow my blog with bloglovin. which is presently my favorite way to skim the too-many blogs i follow and sort out what i actually want to spend time reading {instead of losing 3 minutes to typing in a blog's address and trying to remember if i read the entry or not}. try it! maybe you'll like it.
potato chip s'mores. this is a thing, apparently. my mother, in an act of utter sabotage, forced one on me after dinner last night. i say sabotage because obviously after one i needed at least two more and can i just tell you how hard it was to walk away before i accidentally ate a fourth!? i'm pretty sure my guy will no longer shrug his disdain at the idea of s'mores when he tries this magic because really, who can resist a few bites of marshmallowy, chocolatey, salty crunch? and in case the name wasn't clear enough, potato chip s'mores come to life like so:

lay out two mid-sized, plain potato chips
{use ruffles for increased sturdiness}
put some chocolate on one chip
toast your marshmallow
smash it all together
devour in less than 15 seconds, then repeat. twice.
to my everlasting wonderment, i might actually be softening my stance on birkenstocks. my guy loves them {he's a wilderness-wandering, philosophizing hippie at heart} and raves about the joy of birkenstocks and wool socks {shudder} and i stand firmly against the wearing of that combination in public. but i may have inadvertently conceded that the combination could be tolerated in the {deepest! darkest!} wilderness, and this ridiculousness has me rethinking my abhorence altogether. what. is. happening.
i'm curious as to why airports think its a good idea to have carpet. like, anywhere. because how is that possibly hygenic or really clean-able? and while yes, i am absolutely one of those people who sits on the airport floor - because germs are everywhere and i have no kids at home who might get sick, and i'd rather sit on the floor than in a chair next to someone who ignores the imaginary walls separating their chair and mine. whatever. - really, when you stop and think about it, how did they ever choose carpet over, i don't know, linoleum? seriously, it would go better with their lighting scheme.
new add to my favorite reads list: manhattan nest. love his style and what can i say, i'm a sucker for reno blogs. a home reno is definitely on my list of maybe-somedays. anyway, point is! give it a whirl and see if you don't find yourself wanting to read it all from the start too.
restoration hardware has plates/coasters with quotes from literary figures. i want. specifically, the oscar wilde set, because who wouldn't love to see one of the following snippets of glorious wisdom below their beverage or food of choice? "be yourself; everyone else is taken." "bigamy is having one wife too many. monogamy is the same." "i like men who have a future and women who have a past." "i don't want to go to heaven. none of my friends are there." maybe i'll just type the quotes out on pretty paper, cut them in 4x4 squares and laminate them. that's a lot like ceramic coasters, right?
i've mentioned this in my goal posts but i'm doing rosetta stone {spanish - latin america} and i legitimately enjoy it. like, to the point of wanting to buy other sets when i see the constant sales going on for 5-level sets. but i restrain, because i should probably be able to fake a spanish conversation before i jump into learning german. it seems to be working though, because lately i can ask what time is dinner in spanish. also probably the most amusing word i've learned so far is "inodoro" - how can you not laugh when the word for toilet includes "odor"??
oh my stars, i actually managed all seven. maybe it's a sign that wednesday will go well!
I always loved the word for the color orange: anaranjado/a. So funny!